Still, it remains a well sheltered mystery, who will be seen next to mats Hummels as second player on the German cover of FIFA 12 . Those responsible for EA Sports wanted to make even in these days is not to make a statement himself, but at least a large part of the player on a different message could enjoy. Now, it was announced officially that there will be a demo version for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by the coming offshoot of the House of EA. Very surprisingly, this message does not come, and however the console owners can now be sure that she expected no nasty surprise in this case.
The group not revealed when the two trial versions of the respective marketplaces of the console can be downloaded and tested but. Much is however an indication that it already could be so far in this or next week. After all, the Gamescom in Cologne, where EA would like to officially present according to current plan FIFA 12 starts on 17 August this year. At the latest on the day of the presentation we will then also finally know which player has managed to cover of the football simulation. As is usual with such events, the visitors of the computer fair also to enjoy of a demo version will be. While it is not unlikely that this will be the same version, which the Publisher will provide also its console customers free of charge available.
The sports game FIFA 12 will be to find from the 29 September 2011 in German regiments. In addition to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners, come under other PC and Nintendo 3DS-Liebhaber fully at their own expense. Spicy detail on the edge: brings the big competitor Konami his latest edition of Pro Evolution Soccer to start exactly on the same day. Thus everything on a head to head will result already from the first day of the sales race between the two games. The better cards are - calculated mainly due to the much better licenses - once again Electronic Arts with FIFA 12.